Tuesday, March 12, 2013


I'm almost 4/5 of the way through the course and feel like, well partly like, I'm just hitting my stride by finally being willing/able to explore my ideas through drawing rather than looking for excuses not to draw or to keep it to a minimum, but also that's taking me to all sorts of diversions from the course work like designing logos (I'm not a graphic designer and it involves a whole lot of new stuff to research and I don't have time to do half the experiments I think of...) and preparing for an art market and exhibitions.

It's exciting in a slightly chaotic and self doubting way, but I'm still no nearer to finding my 'one particular style'. I love the softness and depth of charcoal and its ability to soak up quick acrylic colour washes, but I also love the smooth simplicity of pencil sketches; their rough immediacy and 'unfanciness' and I also love making vector tweaked images from pen drawings....Jack of all materials...

I have learnt a huge amount, my drawing and digital skills are improving and I now have the urge to go back over nearly all the exercises I have completed and hone the final images (so far I have only managed to update the jazz poster for assignment 3 http://kathrynhockeyocalog.blogspot.com.es/search?updated-max=2012-11-10T14:27:00-08:00&max-results=20 
and the autumn image for assignment 2 http://kathrynhockeyocalog.blogspot.com.es/search?updated-max=2012-05-24T03:20:00-07:00&max-results=20&start=13&by-date=false).

Do I have the time/ discipline/ dedication/ skills to finish the course in the time allowed? Part 4 is pretty big and I'm a bit stuck, indecisive and distracted by the characterisation exercise...time to plunge in again... 

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