Thursday, June 28, 2012

Other Artists

I've been following Rob’s blog since it was OCA blog of the week and am really impressed by the quality of his drawings and course work (great clean lines and professional looking finish). It’s helped inspire me with my course work and Rob also posts some interesting and useful links to other artists, such as

Christopher King
An English illustrator and graphic designer who, alongside finished artwork, posts his working process really clearly, such as the making of this Clint Eastwood portrait which he used in a film poster for a Ritzy Cinema competition.
His blog also includes great book reviews and links to other artists such as

Rich Reitveld
A Californian artist whose humorous and exquisitely rendered surf graphics have won him great acclaim (and cash). I love the colour, elegance and detail in these.


Dave Stevens
Who (as well as creating The Rocketeer) was a master pin-up painter until his death in 2008. I particularly like the way he portrays women as muscular, powerful physical presences, like this Betty Page portrait

Jillian Tamaki
I chose one of her illustrations for my ‘line visual’ exercise and investigating further found that she has a huge range of styles from the graphic quality of this, which I love for its strength, clearness and humour, to the more ethereal (winner of the 2012 Society of Illustrators gold medal) which, although I like the balance and clarity of the foliage, flowers and penguin, I think is spoilt by the central figure which I find  stiff, inelegant and poorly coloured. I’d also question the composition which cuts off the head of the monkey; these watercolours of babysitters are brilliant observed and executed and she has also worked with embroidery, of the three the award winning Black Beauty is my least favourite, again it looks stiff to me, but for all my criticism I take my hat off to this talented, successful, prolific illustrator who has some useful advice on putting a portfolio together on her sketchblog

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