Friday, June 22, 2012

Exercise: Client visuals

Image 1

No Trespassing by Jillian Tamaki

Line visual 1

Line visual 2

In retrospect I think my both these visuals are honest to their source. The arch is less convex in the original but apart from that they’re fine.

Image 2

La mantilla y la peineta by Eleazar

Line visuals 1 and 2

Likewise, I think these visuals are true to the source illustration too.
Obviously the more detailed version in both cases gives more of an idea of the finished piece.

I imagine the art direction for this illustration by Keeler and Tornero would include notes that:
·         It’s a collage of three elements
·         The background is an old black and white photograph of a church steeple
·         The modern ‘brutalist’ building in the foreground is also a black and white image but probably a colour photograph
·         The bird emerging from the building is painted in watercolour in the style of a Victorian ornithological guide.

This image by Miluka Sanz illustrated an article on the importance of intuition in a Sunday supplement.

The main points for art direction are that:
·         It’s a collage
·         The images of the figures are in the style of black and white newspaper photographs
·         They are on a bright pink paper background with a torn edge
·         The ear on the left figure is collaged from a colour magazine with printed text leading in to it representing the subliminal absorption of aural information
·         There is a collaged colour photo of a lamp over the figure on the right, casting a light beam down over him, representing sudden illumination
·         There is a diagrammatic style black and white drawing of an ear obscuring part of his upper body with a light green ‘Chine collĂ©’ style stripe over it
·         The compass obscuring part of his lower body is another colour photo, it represents the ‘inner compass’

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