Saturday, December 7, 2013

Reflection: Part way through Part 5

I only have 2 exercises to complete before assignment 5 and have recently been very productive in terms of output but I feel that my work lacks something and lately I’ve not been enjoying the process so much.

I think this is because I’ve been hurrying along, ticking things off and not employing my drawing skills to the best of my ability.

I heard a recent radio interview with the writer Donna Tartt during which she said if you’re not enjoying something you’re doing it too fast. She also said that she writes all the time but doesn't expect or even want to use all she writes in her finished books. The same could apply to any art form.

In the book ‘Becoming a Successful IllustratorChoi Liu, the head of art buying at M&C Saatchi says that ‘It’s hardly ever that I come across anyone with any originality, someone with craft or someone who draws brilliantly’.

I was also inspired by the craft elements in this recent OCA post about Kanitta Meechubot who made a paper cut chapter heading for the same book.

So I have decided to try and 'raise my game', I have been practising drawing more and will endeavour to include more craft of a manual nature in my work rather than relying so much on the computer, which is clever but can lack warmth.

Here are some (very rough) sketches of people from the television and from life

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