Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Review: San Fernando artist collective exhibition

This was a really interesting, surprising, uplifting and inspiring group show by artists from San Fernando in Cádiz


Marta Pombo
Illustration, 3D, graphic design

Beautiful characterisation and colouring

Alfonso Vázquez Sentís

Stark and subtle snippets of El Palmar; I like the clip method of displaying the serene sea scapes 


Smooth lines and surfaces, elegant, folk art, fantasy, sturdy, fossilised

Graphic design, illustrated photography

Funny charming, well executed, good characterisation and backgrounds, simple but very effective

Pitu García
Video installation

These portraits reminded me of those of Daniel Katz, not for their mood but their emptiness; these are much more pleasing in my opinion. Those dazed, bulging eyes look dark dwelling-Golomish, hypnotic, unmoved by the retro, cosy-horror domestic scene in the foreground. 

Street art, collage

These pieces looked deliciously dirty and tatty, fascinatingly detailed and textural, repetitively beautiful

Victor Bensusan

I particularly liked the rhythm and texture of this abstract drawing, which could have been an etching

María Goméz
Illustration, graphic design

Unfortunately I didn't get a photo of the full composition here; it was a lovely balanced jumble of table, books, dolls and tins with bold but fine watercolours of large eyed women reminiscent of those in Pitu García's installation

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