Thursday, November 15, 2012

Other Artists

Quick notes on other artists (who inspire and give me style envy) that I’ve been meaning to post for ages:

Anna Higgie
Interesting use of colour, line and texture
Fine line work and intricate pattern of drawings contrasts with bright blocks of colour in wall paintings.

Also beautifully elegant art deco style drawings with fine detail and soft colour palette

C. Hérouard

´Boudoir art´ from the actual art deco period, slightly twee but skilfully done

Drew Christie

Lovely rough, scratchy drawing and text. Lively, unpretentious, very handmade and deceptively simple
Funny, crude animation, wood blocky prints

Eum Hayoung

Luxuriously graceful and polished digital fashion images, invoke nostalgia

Walter Vasconcelos

Fantastic layering of textures and collaged elements, I love them all: the muted colours, the surrealistic way he mixes styles and divides the page, such an image collector

Mark Bender

Beautiful, bold, painterly graphics with cubist elements, complex mix of colour and subtle but effective use of texture

Owen Smith

Slightly remeniscent of early Lucian Freud portraits (eg, in their cartoonish, hyperdetailed way, they have a fifties feel

Dale Phanos

Extraordinarily well observed, skilful and detailed photorealistic digital portraits with a caricaturistic twist.
Really interesting notes on his approach to his work on his drawger blog (especially the Billy Gibbons piece showing sketches and ideas)

Brian Grimwood

As featured on the OCA site

Lovely range and mix of styles, materials and techniques, strikingly simple and fluid and inspiring in terms of digital drawing potential (I want a tablet!)

Guillermo del Olmo
I found this tiny and darkly striking illustration in a Sunday supplement
his acrylic paintings have a quick roughness to them which lends them a liveliness, as does his great ability to ‘capture’ light and texture
His digital illustrations have a looseness and painterly quality too

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