Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Other Artists

Here are some incredibly skilled illustrators I've recently come across:

His draughtsmanship is absolutely mind blowing. His pieces are so elegant and beautifully coloured, but a bit gruesome at the same time, which I love. I'm particularly impressed by the Vanitas series in his fine art section which show partially dissected figures...they make me wonder what the hell I'm doing...it's hard to be this impressed without being despondent about my own abilities!

Very precise penmanship combined with digital work, these lack the warmth and flow of Vicente's work for me as they are more symmetrical and masculine but are still incredibly impressive in their detail. I particularly like the 'Usual Suspects' series of animal characters (second row of dots in the illustration section) as they're beautifully drawn and coloured and they're humorous. I tried a digital linework cutting technique of his which was posted in Digital Arts magazine...it worked up to a point but I need another attempt.

Here's another man who's incredibly skilled at portraying the human form, particularly faces. His pieces are generally much rougher and 'dirtier' than Preis' or Vicente's because he leaves his line work unrefined and in some ways that makes them more immediate. I love his sketchbook trial on his blog http://dwaynebell.blogspot.com.es/2012/04/sketchbook-trial.html because the work is so beautifully honest and rough and ready. Some of his faces have the doll-like look of Egon Schiele's (who's probably my favourite artist, for his confident looseness in rendering the human form in all its contortions and for the fast, unfinished nature of his drawings), I'm thinking particularly of 'Two Women' http://www.artinthepicture.com/paintings/Egon_Schiele/Two-Women/

It's time to use my sketchbook more, or I've no chance of emulating my current heroes.

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