Friday, June 7, 2013

Starting Part 5

I had some really positive feedback from my tutor for part 4, nevertheless I’ve decided to take a different approach to part 5.

In parts 1-4 I’ve tackled each exercise in the order they’re presented, this makes sense because (obviously) a great deal of thought and expertise has gone into structuring the course so that skill sets can be expanded gradually and in a logical order.

I tend to get really absorbed in the first exercise of a particular part, spending ages on research and execution and then, mainly due to a sense of hurry, and sometimes due to feeling a bit overwhelmed with exercises that ‘aren’t my thing’ (like children’s illustration for example) I lose momentum and adopt a ‘list ticking’ approach so that I can move onto the next exercise quickly. 

This stifles the creative process and means that I tend not to push through the discomfort to produce the quality of work of which, deep down, I know I’m capable.

So for part 5 I’ve made an overall plan

This way I can see at a glance (without having to go through the course notes so frequently) which areas I need to research, how it all fits together and I can jot down notes as I’m inspired (by TV/radio programmes, magazine articles, internet searches, exhibitions etc) and hopefully spread my initial enthusiasm more evenly.

I’m confident that this approach will temper my tendency to get bogged down/ carried away/ demoralised and lose overall momentum. My deadline to finish the course is now the end of January 2014 (taking the full two years allowed) rather than my initial plan to scoot through it in eight months...I would have missed out on so much if had done that.

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